
web site

I now have a web site---www.bjparady.com. I haven't figured out how to put a link on this blog yet (any body reading know how?), but wanted to share the site with you.

Learning how to write html and actually doing all the detailed writing has taken all my brain cells for the past couple of weeks. I'm glad it's behind me, at least the first iteration of the site. Maybe now I can get back to actually making art...


Karoda said...

Very nice clean manueverable site...check the link on it that goes to your blog though.

bj parady said...

Thanks for the heads up. I fixed it now. :)

Diane Doran said...

Love your work! Look on the source for my blog, and you'll see how I linked to my website.

Anne Wigfull said...

Impressive work, and the website is good too!