
news, news, news

I just updated my website, the first big redo since I first put it up. I've been working on it for a few weeks; the differences are subtle, but I like it better. Next project will be adding some new work to it. That can wait until after the holidays.

I've also been working on the temporary website of a newly formed group I am happy to be a member of, the Fiber Artists Coalition. We are all PAM's (Professional Artist Member) of SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates), and are joining forces to market our work. We've just assembled our first joint show and submitted it to a potential venue. Right now the website is just links to all of our own websites, but those are worth checking out.

SAQA has a monthly online show featuring works of PAM's; I'm proud to have this piece (Unraveling) in the December show. Check that out, too.

In January, Ann Miller Titus and I have a joint show at the Keokuk Art Center in Keokuk, Iowa.

So even though I've been quiet on this blog, and I haven't gotten a lot of art made (ok, fiber art, I have been doing watercolors for the Great River Watercolor Society winter show), things have been happening.

And now they're slowing down for the holidays. But I'll be back at it come 2008. (yikes! 2008?)


The Idaho Beauty said...

Nice piece. Of course, I see birch bark in the background fabric. Those slits effectively replicate it.

You definitely sound like you've been busy. Thanks for the links - I'm off to explore them.

The Idaho Beauty said...

BTW, the link to the Fiber Arts Coalition isn't right. Needs ".com" added to it.

bj parady said...

thanks, I fixed it. Have fun exploring.