
cut and amble

One of the downsides of the Doritos principle of fabric (use it, they'll make more) is that sometimes you flop. My usual problem is that I don't recognize this early enough, and I invest more time (which is not infinite) into something I should abandon. For once, I didn't do that. I just put the offending piece on the table, and whacked it into pieces.

It started out with a piece of silk that had potential, but wasn't quite getting there. I decided to try stamping on part of it--which was overall successful. But I wasn't careful enough, and one of the stampings looks like this:

That black blobbish bit stands out like a sore thumb. So I cut off the offending part, turned a square into a long horizontal and a piece for the boneyard, and moved on with my life.

But it's hard to be disappointed about that; especially when my back yard at this very moment looks like this:

To quote John Hodgman, "that is all."

1 comment:

The Idaho Beauty said...

I too have been trying to work lately with the same process/attitude you speak of in these last few posts. It is freeing, confusing, satisfying, informative...forcing me to be a little less serious and intense about each piece or idea. It has been a good way to work, although I haven't plowed through as many unfinished projects to completion as I'd hoped by now. Part of the problem is the new ideas that surface while working on something, and then choosing to work with the leftovers on those ideas rather than put them away and work on the next project. I do rather like watching the continuity that results in working with castoffs from the last project - kind of like sourdough bread starter.

Kudos for seeing the value of making lemonade out of your lemon print oops rather than focusing on the imperfection ruining the whole piece. Something else I struggle with too but am getting better about.